Just how will Stefan woo Caroline in The Vampire Diaries?


Hi Vamps,

TV Line has some more information straight from Paul Wesley’s mouth about his relationship with Caroline. His outlook is a bit…. bloodier than I would have expected.

Question: I really want to know how Stefan will show his game to seduce Caroline on The Vampire Diaries! —Carmen
Ausiello: Good question, Carmen. So good, in fact, that we posed it to Paul Wesley and got this response: “He’s going to be sort of the same loving guy he’s been for the past six seasons — except when he was ripping people’s heads off. Man, Stefan’s killed a lot of people. Everyone on the show has. If you think about it, pretty much everybody on this show is a murder. Isn’t that wild?” Wesley’s tangent aside, it sounds like he’ll use the same tactics he did on Elena back in Season 1, but he’s definitely got his work cut out for him. “Caroline wants to be with Stefan, but she’s also trying to do the right thing by herself, taking the time to mourn her mother’s death so she can enter into this relationship with a clean state and a free mind. The heart wants what it wants when it wants it, so we’ll see moments where’s she’s struggling, wanting to say something but not knowing what to say.”

Happy Biting ;.;

Vampire Diaries Season 7 renews releationship of Damon and Stefan


Hi Vamps,

As we continue to gear up towards the start of the new season of Vampire Diaries it has been stated this season will see a stronger and more united relationship between the brothers now that they don’t have Elena in their way.

And news is that Bonnie may get herself a love interest and be a little happier this season! Although I must admit, the most I liked Bonnie since this showed started was when she was stuck in 1994 with Damon. I hope they continue that relationship.

Anyhow, check out the article at Master Herald for the full goss.

Wesley added that fans love the brotherly love and dynamic relationship between Damon and Stefan, which also counts as their favorite relationship in the show. He said that the relationship of the Salvatore brothers is one of the most interesting one on the show, having started out as enemies, and then fighting for the love of one girl, they just have so much history together.

Having directed one episode of “The Vampire Diaries” in Season 6 last year, Paul said he shares the same idea with the other directors of the show that flashbacks would really help in establishing the rich history between Damon and Stefan.

Happy Biting ;.;

Vampire Diaries 2015 Comic Con Panel Video!


Hi Vamps,

Thanks to the awesome work of Flicks and the City, we have the full Comic Con panel for Vampire Diaries. The panel was in the big Hall H which is a first for Vampire Diaries and the panel included Ian Somerhalder, Candice Accola, Michael Malarkey, Paul Wesley, Kat Graham, creator Julie Plec and producer Caroline Dries.

Happy Biting ;.;